
Karl heinz diabolik lovers download free
Karl heinz diabolik lovers download free

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He shows up in most of the bad endings in the game and says that he will kill his own sons if they failed him. This is revealed when Shu had to repeat another year in high school and Karlheinz exiled him to the North Pole, throwing Laito in the dungeon when it was discovered that his son had a sexual relationship with his mother Cordelia, and when Subaru broke a statue of his father, he ended up being sent to the ocean and finding his way home. However, Karlheinz will punished them if they displease him. Karlheinz heavily neglected all of his children through out their lives.

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He is also the main reason of his children's traumatized childhoods. Karlheinz gave them false love in order for them to break their children so that his sons learn love from a human girl (Yui Komori).

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He also seems to be a womanizer, as he seduced all three of his wives for his selfish plans. Karlheinz is very intelligent and powerful, however, he's incapable of feeling love and affection.

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